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七夕节甜腻的英语文案有哪些?喜欢和爱都藏在里面! 作者:Smmy 2020-08-25 16:55:01 浏览:3223



Today’s sweet bits have been loaded.

月亮不会奔向你 但我会

The moon will never come to you But I will.


The greatest achievement of my life is finding you.


There’s my Pokemon!

我想成为宇航员 乘坐流星 绕过月亮 流浪宇宙 最后抵达你的星球

I wanna to be an astronaut who rides the meteor, goes around the moon, roams the universe and finally arrive in your planet

祝这位小朋友 年年有我

Congratulations to my candy-candy that she has me for the rest of her life.

与你共度的时光 多久都不足够

The time that I share with you could never be enough.


This boy is the one who I will share my cup cake with.

人间不值得 但你超值

The world is nothing, but it has changed to the opposite when I have you.

再等等 山南水北 我一定陪你去

Wait for another times, I will with you whatever you are going to the south or north pole.

回首亘年漫月里所有的怦然心动 你仍拔得头筹

Looking back at all the Flips of the days in my life, you are always my first thought.

我这个人啊 满身阴暗 还总想着给你一点阳光

For me, I’m in the dark, but I still want to give you all the light.

多希望你知道我并不洒脱 然后告诉我 你也很想我

I really hope that you can realize that I don’t have big-hearted, so that you can tell me “I miss you so much”

遇见你之后 我数学的草稿纸上面 写满了你的名字

After the day we met, my scratch papers are full of your name.

昨天很喜欢你 今天也很喜欢你 而且预感 明天也会很喜欢你

I love you for yesterday and today, and it will continue to tomorrow.

世界上美好的东西不太多 立秋傍晚吹来的风 和十几岁笑起来可爱的你

There are not too many beautiful things in the world: the wind blowing in the evening of fall and your smile in your.

希望你始终如一 干净纯粹 看透不美好却相信美好 见过不善良却依旧善良

Hope you will always have clean and pure in you mind, see through all the bad but believe in good, see though all the unkindness but still be kind.

谢谢你 在世界的角落找到我

Thank god that you have found me in the corner of the world.和你 今年 明年 年年With you, this year, the next year, every year.


You appeared with this fall!

听闻小姐治家有方 鄙人余生愿闻其详

I heard that you have can run family well and I would like to see it in the rest of my life.

你是我的小秘密 余生欢喜都是你

You are the secret of mine, and all my happiness will come from you next.

有你在身边 风都超级甜

The wind tastes sweet with you in my arms.

我一直都爱你 不需要被节日赋予特殊意义There’s nothing to do with the special festival, I love you, always.

就是这个傻子破坏了我 孤独终老的计划

It was this fool who ruined my plan of spending my whole life on my own.


In this world, the green hills, shining stars, babbling brook and vast prairies can never compare to the stars between your eyebrows.

没别的意思 就是借着特别的日子 说声喜欢你

No other meanings, I just use this special day as an excuse to tell you that I love you.

结束了今天 明天还要加倍爱你

Although today has passed, I will love you more tomorrow.


标签: 英语干货知识